Saturday, June 16, 2012

An American Classic

An American classic - news week

The Electric Kool-Aid ACID Test - by Tom Wolfe

Does anyone know about this book? I am about to start reading it and before I crack it open it would be nice to have a few opinions. I hear that it's mind blowing. That there are things in it that I can't believe? This is going to be a good book, I can feel it. There is something about a person sharing a book with you. It must have inspired them in some way for them to loan it to me, and trust me with it.

That is how you know that you have a good book in your hand. When someone is trying to push it into your palm. I'll let you know how the reading goes.

I am a little reluctant to start it right now because I am reading a really good book by the man who wrote Pay It Forward called When I found you. It's a pretty intense book.

In the book it starts of with a man and his wife, who are distance to each other. They sleep in separate rooms and neither seem all that happy with their life. The man is a duck hunter and always goes out in the woods in the early morning with his dog. One day while the man Nathan and his dog Maggie were out duck hunting the dog Maggie was acting different. Which made Nathan act different. Nathan follows his dog to a tree with leaves around the trunk, then they found the baby. A little boy.

you are going to have to pick up a copy for yourself it's worth it.

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