Saturday, June 16, 2012

What would you do?

What would you do if you didn't have the internet? Would you have the news at your finger tips? Would you use your phone in the same way that you do now? There are people talking about how the internet is going to be a paid service like TV. Where you will buy a package and those are the pages that you get, kinda like with tv-packages where you only get certain channels. I would hate for that to happen, it would cut off the open communication between certain groups of people who use networking sites like google plus and facebook, not that the two even compare to each other, that can be another rant for another time.

The only reason I am talking about this right now is because South Park is on right now. It's the episope where they loose internet and no one knows what to do; so they send the government in to fix it. haha, but then the government tries to reason with it like it's some sort of AI.

I thought that it was funny and im sure that if you are anything like me you see the bigger picture, you understand that it's a really clever show. They can open your mind a little if you let them

Thank you!



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